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Why Hire a Landscape Architect?

Hiring landscape architects is the difference between how your site looks and how it lives. We take into account the permitting, grading and drainage of a site, planning with a community, how to best leverage what already exists, while adding the incalculable benefits of excellent design. 

Meadow House landscape plan

Site Planning, Grading and Drainage


The world isn’t flat. Elements like view, rainwater and hardscapes must be taken into consideration as integral parts of a project.

By including a landscape architect early in the process, you benefit from our skills at visualizing landform and integrating inevitable level changes into memorable spaces, cohesive site plans, and sustainable stormwater management.

Community Planning and Consensus Building


We use a variety of tools to point everyone toward a shared vision: plans, sections, 3D models, renderings, on-site mockups, and opinion surveys. We do whatever it takes to understand the parameters, explore the possibilities, and build excitement for a shared vision. 

Michelle Crowley overseeing construction
aerial image of construction at concord academy



We help make complicated processes, like construction and permitting, run smoothly. Whether you are building near protected environmental or historical resources or trying to meet town requirements for parking and other infrastructure, we can represent the project at hearings and tailor designs to get through permitting quickly. 

During the construction process, we work closely with contractors to make sure the designs are executed in a timely manner with the design intent intact. 

Land Use Planning and Sustainability


There is only so much land to go around, and the way we use it is increasingly important. We work to make every landscape intentional.

By choosing appropriate plants for your site, managing storm water, selecting sustainable materials, and setting frameworks for future management, we address environmental impacts of the project throughout its lifespan.

plant inventory for concord academy

Crowley Cottrell, LLC
171 Milk Street
Floor 2 
Boston, MA 02109

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